Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thrifty Enough?

What do we think when we walk into any mall and buy a $40 top that looks like it took 40cents to be make. " Aw look! That top would look nice with jeans!"-look at price tag " $40! Yeah, right! this looks like it'll be done after wearing it 3 times"- we buy it anyway.
Take another example
Walking into Nordstrom or Saks Fifth Ave and spot some pants that so happen to be Micheal Kors that are 120. well? what do we say "If i was rich.. i would buy these on the spot. so Gorgeous!."-- and walk away
-Meanwhile you just spent four hundred something on clothing that will only last a few washes. Those MK pants that you just bought could have lasted you a good 2-3 years. (ALSO depends on how you treat your clothing)
Have to ask yourself if purchasing crap jeans($15) that bleed on your Addidas ($70) really worth it?
Do you see Where I'm coming from?
I'm not necessarily saying go on a shopping spree and buy only from stores as i suggested before. The best way you can also catch great deals is.....
my first designer jeans where mk. yes! MICHEAL KORS!!!! with tag and everything... BRAND NEW! for only 2 dollars.