Friday, July 8, 2011

Copying lady gaga when lady gaga starts to sell out

Everyone has seen it, heard it and felt it. We watch a music video and say that whatever we saw is a cheap version of lady gaga. The other day I was on shine and saw an article of lady gaga going to yoga wearing an all lace body suit with heels as large as your head and most of the comments I saw were just rants of how gaga is lame. She's what's called a Muppet or try hard.... Or at least that's what other celebs are when they copy her. How sad huh?

I always noticed riahanna and other try hard celebs but I never knew i would see Jennifer Lopez do it.. I guess jlo lost her style since she's definitely not the only one with the huge butt.

Emma Watson at her highest peek

We've all seen her grow up into a millionaire beauty. I threw millionaire in that sentence because it shows what a business women she is. In vogues July 2011 issue ,she perfectly graced the cover with pixie hair. I can't really emphasis how pretty she is and wow, what an inspiration!

Finally, someone to look up to, and She reminded me of those kids in the 80s or 90s and they all grew up to be something so cool. Now a days we have Miley barf and Justin whats his face and no one we can really admire. Okay so in the vogue article that I was talking about earlier she talked about being in the bubble... That my friends is called Illuminati.. We all know what it is, so let's move on again. She wants her way out, she got hp to work around her school hours and, not the other way around. She also has had her famous line of hemp clothing which believe it or not, has had a lot of her own money to keep it going.  I have solo so much respect for this chick, she seems so outgoing and humble... That's what makes her so unique. You see how much you can accomplish by not following the world? Everything!!