Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fiber +

People always think that skinny people have secrets, Which they don't... according to them. For someone that use to never pass up 115 lb, i never had secrets. Never worked out, never ate 6 meals a day or only 2. Ate whenever I wanted and could have snacks all day without every getting fat. So ever since I had my baby, Why is it still so hard to loose the extra fat?
Well, your metabolism changes. You need to get you're body working faster. eating 6 small meals a day. You can do this by eating every 3 hours and always try avoiding sugar, saltines and, carbs. Another great way to loose weight is by getting use to drinking only water daily. This will help get all that sodium out of you're body. My method, before starting any diet is going to be by drinking a gallon of water daily.
I was told by my mothers friend to try out this 7 day diet by Jose Fernandez, this includes 3 days of eating every 3 hours, day4-7 is a specific diet plan to loose 2 jean sizes. Sounds kinda not healthy but i decided to try it, by hour 22 i was too tired. I failed with a big bang, hot Cheetos with lime, Cupcake, hot pocket and, soda.
I really don't want to give up so i began my online search for my very own perfectly designed diet... Since its so hard to follow someone else's. I searched for "foods to speed up metabolism" which led me to coffee, green tea, chili peppers and some article of high fiber foods. My next search was, you guessed it, "High fiber foods". I went through a dozen websites too only find the foods with the most Fiber.
For Example:
Split peas cooked (1cup)-16.3
Lentils, cooked (1cup)- 15.6
Kidney Beans (1 cup)- 11.6
Black beans cooked (1cup)-15.0
Raspberries (1cup)- 8.0
avocado ( 1 medium)- 11.8
Apple with skin (1 medium) - 5.0
Pear (1 medium) 5.0
Broccoli (1 Cup)-4.5
Sweet Potato (1 medium)- 4.9
Kale Cooked - 7.2
Bran Cereal (1 cup)- 19.9
So whats the deal with all the fiber? Well, our bodies take longer to digest these foods, means you burn more calories, even though the food itself is already low on calories. Think of high fiber foods as a scrub to wash all you're intestines.
"Eating veggies daily will help me loose weight? I don't think that it will help "me" very much. I need more than that!"
Human body is very smart, It is always sending signals back and forth. When we don't have the vitamins it needs, Its obviously going to send a signal saying 'its hungry'. If you don't give it what it needs, our bodies will once again send us the signal to eating again, therefor causing you to gain more and more weight.

1 comment:

Adrianna67 said...

i wanna loose 3 pounds! how do i do that without all the vegies? and without excersice